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Citynet Verband Dessau e.V.
Franzstraße 85
06842 Dessau-Roßlau
Vertretungsberechtigte*r : Chris Bär
Registernummer: 927
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stendal
Quellenangabe für Fotos:
"Mikrofon" - Bruno Emmanuelle - by Unsplash
"Gläser" - Michael Browning - by Unsplash
"Blumenbinden" - Waldemar Brandt - by Unsplash
"Garnrollen" - Annie Spratt by Unsplash
"Laptop von oben" - John Schnobrich by Unsplash
"Thank you" - Tim Mossholder by Unsplash
"Papiertasche" - Jacek Dylag by Unsplash
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